You could find long ways to word simple statements (don’t do this), or:
1. Ensure your introduction and conclusion are complete. If they already feel complete, consider the “hourglass” method. Your introduction should start broad, then you can narrow in on your specific topic. Your conclusion should start specific based on the body of your writing, and then you can extrapolate your point to the real-world “big picture” (in other words, why is what you’ve written important?)
2. If you’re writing a research paper, add more sources. Your professors will often require minimum numbers of sources, rarely maximums.
3. Read through your paper and check that you’re using adequate transitions so that your paragraphs flow together. Abruptly changing topics can give the reader a sense of whiplash. Add words by tying your points together and making meaningful connections.
4. Send me a note on the contact page and I can give you some specific suggestions based on your assignment.
Good luck to all this semester and remember yourself – longer does not always equate to better!